Joe Boyd Library

We Are Pleased To Invite You To The Joe Boyd Library.

Oliver Araiza Ministries of West Union, West Virginia, is honored to host the Memorial Library of Evangelist Dr. Joe M. Boyd.  The library contains over 3000 select pieces of literature from the life and ministry of Evangelist Joe Boyd. Dr. Boyd was a local church evangelist with a ministry that spanned 65 years!  He was a devoted and diligent student of the Scriptures and a fervent and meticulous researcher. The library is indexed to highlight notable literary gifts from his family and friends of a lifetime.  It is designed to reflect the style, ministry, preaching, and football career of Dr. Boyd. The library offers a short documentary on the impact of his life and legacy.  It is open during business hours.

Library Hours

Monday - Wednesday
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday - Friday
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Saturday - Sunday

Library Location